Taking care of the contours of creation through workshop work is an important part of the company's activities, and is at the very heart of each artistic project.
The aim is not to teach, but to encourage encounters and openness between our artistic vocabulary, our audience and professionals in the performing arts sector.
These encounters can take different forms, upstream or downstream of the performances, but also during the construction phase, in the creative process, as an inalterable source of accurate relationships, tones and ways of experiencing the reality of the target audience.
A "philosophy post-show discussion" can be organised after the show. Children are invited to formulate questions based on the perceptions and impressions they have experienced during the show.
Outside the framework of creation, Caroline Cornélis sometimes works in collaboration with FWB institutions to give training courses for future professionals in the field of childhood and early childhood.
The labs are an opportunity to open up and share our creative process with professionals in the sector.
They are seen as preparatory work for creation. It's a way of nurturing our research and getting to grips with new writing tools. We invite an outsider to share their artistic approach.
These choreographers/directors/artists from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles are chosen according to the needs of the project.
Upstream, to prepare for the children's visit to the theatre. These meetings are not systematic, as some projects require them and others do not. They enable the children to awaken their curiosity and enter more easily into the subject matter of the show.
Afterwards, they enter into the dance through play, to rebound in their bodies on the inspirational material of the show. It's a journey that allows them to refine their view of what they've seen, heard and felt.